”I am love,
I am monad,
I am my higher self,
I am

The Gold Ray

of Christ.”

Photo: Emmi Pennanen

And so are you. Every other story is a narrative of the ego, personality. But since we operate here on earth via our personality, allow me to introduce myself.

Person in white shirt with pink glasses and necklace, looking up.

Career background

My highest education is Cultural Researcher (MA) from the University of Helsinki, Finland. My major subject was folkloristics, the spiritual tradition of peoples, the hippiest thing that can be studied at university. In the 90`s, studying was so incredibly fun and exciting, with no wokeism. My broad degree also includes ethnomusicology, African studies, art studies, etc.

As one profession among others is a solution-based coach, as an ENFJ I have worked most of my life in the fields of coaching and teaching, and I have empowered thousands of people. Even as a child I had a very sharp psychological eye and the ability to see to the core. Beautifully dressed dolls were my initial audience. My first profession is a cloth designer. Dreams in this area are still to appear in the future.

I am also a writer, singer, speaker, professional lecturer, event organizer, and White Cosmic Wind, at least. So quite a package.

Close-up of an orange flower with a blurred green background.

Elemental me

Talvetar is my name. The root of the word is talvi, which means winter in my language. The meaning of my name is: The Lady of the Winter or Winter Goddess. That is the traditional shamanistic name, and I love winter. In Finland people are often named after nature spirits. Besides, the colder it is, the higher the vibration. This is an astronomical truth. However, if you think I am cold, you are mistaken because I am quite the opposite.

Speaking about that:

I appeared in this incarnation on the autumn equinox, 22nd September 1973, on a bright sunny day. Marigolds were in bloom. Orange is the main color in my aura, which is quite obvious for a Mani-Gen type. Creativity overloads sometimes. Virgo is my sun sign, the moon is in Leo, the ascendant is Sagittarius, and Venus is in Scorpio. As a Virgo ruled by Mercury, communicational skills, writing, speaking, singing, and performing are my super talents. If you know the superlatives of my other signs, that is also me. I was never that ordinary girl next door. Quite a few lessons to learn.

The spiritual name, in the kundalini yoga tradition, based on the birth date, is Joti Rajnam, which means ”That whose name is fire with light.” This name sounds so much neater in the Finnish language, Valoisa Tuletar. I am a kundalini yoga teacher (KRI), and our practice is part of my daily life, regardless of the circumstances. - Healing Journey, Glands in Peace -is my famous live and online course, and later on I have a book coming out about it. It is called Glands in Peace." In my language, the words peace and glands have the same root, Rauha - rauhaset. When your glands are in balance, you are peaceful. That is the purpose of human life.

Woman wearing pink glasses and necklace with white top, looking at the camera.

Present time

Since I naturally produce a lot of heat, I demand and love water. Water is the basis for my well-being. I insist on living near the water and swimming daily in natural ponds and lakes. I am so grateful to live in Eastern Finland close to the purest waters in the world. The largest lake here is called Holy Lake, Pyhäjärvi, located on the Russian border. Actually, the border is in that clear and stunning lake. Water from that lake is drinkable directly from the source. The frequency of it is phenomenal. I am also grateful to breathe the world's cleanest air here. At this point in time, Kesälahti (Summer Bay) is the perfect location for my purposes when I am writing, even though I consider the whole world as my home.

I have lived in East Africa, Turkey, and the Balkans and traveled in over 40 countries. I have learned and experienced life by traveling. This has played a significant role in my life.

Countries close to my heart are organized and relaxed, just like me. But in every place I miss the sauna and our nature. And hey, we do not need to lock our doors around here. When needed, I can easily reach the main airport via train, which is conveniently 3.33 hours from here, and fly anywhere in the world.

I love the Byzantine monasteries and churches of the Balkans. In this video, I recited a prayer in the monastery church of Decani, located in Kosovo. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is one of my favorite places on earth.

Visoki Decani monastery

Snowy landscape with snow-covered trees and a sunset in the background.

Photo: Emmi Pennanen

Daily life

Culture and art life are very vivid here. Live music is close to my heart; I enjoy concerts and clubs a couple of times a month, mainly classical or rock music. Art touches my emotions, and I enjoy exhibitions frequently. This part of the country, Northern Karelia, has also open-minded and outspoken people. Vibration here is so special and pure. Our life is all about the frequency; you are what you connect with. It is a very important choice at these turbulent times.

Currently, I teach yoga while I am focused on writing. For the first time in my life, I am using all my talents and skills for my own personal development and enrichment. Most of my life I have spent promoting the careers of other people. For example, years back, as an agent for Finnish world music with partners on four continents. 

My days start with physical exercises with mantras and EFT and yoga practice with frog jumps. My mesomorphic body demands a lot of movement, and as an A-blood type, I am vigorous and healthy when I consume pure organic food. Long walks in the forest during the daytime are my daily habit, which I don’t miss. It clears my mind. I bless the trees and meditate with them. When I am not writing, I love to listen to LPs, pure 432 Hz music, on my beautiful vintage armchair or knit or meditate there.

Woman with pink glasses and necklace, wearing white blouse.


My life philosophy is that the first 50 years we suffer and learn, and the next 50 years are full of success and light. I am in my second half now, when I am 51 years old. Wine is also bitter when unripe.

In fact, I was woken up one night to my spiritual path when I was 44 years old. Those who are familiar with numerology and the cycles of life know that every eleven years there is a shift in our consciousness. It is caused by a change in solar energies.

My life path number is 33, which means Christ consciousness or higher consciousness. It includes number 6, which is unconditional love. Our higher mission is universal service. 6 is the most loving and giving; it is a blessing and a curse, like any life path number.

 In my life journey, very deep, even dark experiences have occurred. They, who were also mages in Atlantis, can relate to this. Great lessons to learn in this incarnation, plenty of total endings, losses, and fresh beginnings. Abundant purging, purifying, and healing are still coming up. When I delve into something, I dive wide and deep. For me, any other possible way does not exist.

Text illustration with the words 'And I ate that apple' on a green background.

Me as a writer

I am grounded in higher knowledge. That sunk in for me at the right moment. My books speak for themselves here.

Intuitively I have known I have a great cosmic mission, and now I have discovered what that is: to bring deep spiritual knowledge into people's consciousness and aid their ascension. I always felt that Finland was too small for me. Curiously enough, my higher self speaks English to me. Every now and then, like in the forest, the text is pouring into my head. A printer at that moment would be convenient. 

 My first book was written in 4th grade, and it told about my first love. I used to fall in love with boys who had angelic faces. Later I learned why. More on that in my upcoming book, And I Ate That Apple.

Despite all this, I am far from serious, and humor is my superpower.

My personal IG is @Talvetar33.

I am limiting my social media time, but I follow these experts.