” Each and everyone of us
is on a spiritual path,
not everyone knows it. ”
— Talvetar
A comment about the book Christianity ∝ the Spiritual Path
"Deeper, wider and funnier than anyone else. If Talvetar writes something, on every page you will find information you have never heard before. Also when she speaks, Incredibly broad and deep, yet practical."
— Re-reader of the book Christianity ∝ the Spiritual Path
All is in the beginning.
The first word of the Bible is "in the beginning." The numerological value of the Hebrew word starts with 2-200-1. "In the beginning," means we return to where we came from. No 2. is duality, in 200, the zeros amplify the energy of the number, No. 1, Alif, is God. The whole purpose of the Bible is revealed in the first word. Human with free will is in the center of the story.
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Coming next:
Oh Lord. Where did it come from?
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Christianity ∝ Spiritual Path
*∝ Proportional to
"Maybe people think that I came to bring peace to the world.
They don’t know that I came to bring arguments and war.
If there are five people in a house, three will be against two,
two against three, father against son, son against father. The lonely ones will last."
Jesus in Gospel of Thomas.
He knew.
This book is about how the spiritual path meets Christianity. The same universal laws can be found in both. Every one of us is on a spiritual path; not everyone knows it. Jesus's message was completely New Age, or on the background of New Age is a message of Jesus. That is the core of the real Christianity, not the one that was spread to the world.
This book is for those who are consciously on the spiritual path and who blaspheme Christianity as a dark doctrine. I am sorry that you have been deceived. Christianity is a message of beauty and love. That message lives on in the theology of the Orthodox Church all the time. According to theology, deification is the purpose of human life.
Christianity ∝ Spiritual Path
This is a book about theological revelation. It reveals how true Christianity is aligned with everything we discover on a spiritual path. I show how christianity misunderstood the teachings of Christ and gave them an opposite meaning. This is a nonfiction book about the real teachings of Jesus from a theological perspective. The word theology means a doctrine of God. That theology is not man or church made, but is underneath everything, as a universal law. Jesus taught this theology when he said that the light is within us. He taught that the kingdom of God is within, but we don’t realize it. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people who don’t realize it. It was not easy to be a spiritual teacher in Jesus’ time, nor is it now. His message was simply that God is within, not outside of us.
Unfortunately, this message was degraded as official Western scholastic theology externalized God out of the human. This alienated people from their inner God. Thankfully, what Jesus taught can still largely be found in Eastern theology. In this area, Orthodox Christian theology differs from Western theology. In fact, these philosophies are completely different, as night and day. The philosophy of Orthodox theology is based on the teachings of the apostolic fathers, who followed the true teachings of Jesus.
The fundamental principle of Orthodox belief about the spiritual path, is that we are returning to God through purification. This is also what Jesus taught. Each of us is on a spiritual path by virtue of us being human. Yet, there are still so many that do not know this. This book is for people seeking the spiritual path.
This book is needed because many people have a traumatic relationship with Christianity. They have been alienated from their inner God. The version of christianity, which was spread all over the world, did not reveal the spiritual path. I believe that this is why it is time to return to natural theology. It is time to accept that Jesus is not coming back to earth. On the contrary, it is time to realize that Christ Consciousness, or supreme consciousness is rising within us. Those of you who chose to read this book may probably already be aware of this fact. The book will show how the world would be different if the message of Orthodox or Eastern theology Christianity had conquered the world as a dominant Christian philosophy. We would have understood our inner light as God instead of sinfulness and the diminuition of our humanity.
In my book, I distinguish Christianity and christianity. For the reader to understand the distinction, I describe how official christianity was formed and how the message of the disciples of Jesus was denied. Underneath the paradoxes of these histories, I also present the unchanging symbolism of the Bible. I explore key Christian symbols through the teachings of the apostolic fathers and with the lens of Orthodox religion and philosophy. I will show you how their teachings explain what we know about spiritual laws, about the purification of the soul, not forgetting angels and unicorns, which are also Christian symbols.
My own experience on the spiritual path is used as an illustration. False truth about religions never seemed logical to me when I was child. For example, I resisted the idea that Jesus died for us. As I learned more about Orthodox theology, the more I understood the truth. I realize now that there is so much theological evidence to support the Orthodox view, that only a fraction of it will fit in this book. I plan to continue this theme in my second book Holy New Age Fathers. Christian Orthodox tradition serves as a guide on our journey with inspiring, fun, and educational content. Those fathers knew everything that anyone on a conscious spiritual path should know. The third part of this book trilogy also deals with a very topical issue and is called And I Ate that Apple. I will show you how the Christian truth about creation does not correspond to spiritual truth.
Expansive reading and intellectualism have always belonged to Orthodox theology. This book adopts a similar inclusive approach to theology. Writing this book requires extensive knowledge of theology and spiritual universal laws. In my view, no other author has put these ideas together conversationally in a book aimed at the general public. I want to emphasize that I do not represent any religious or academic institution. No one has determined what I should write. I simply feel that it is my cosmic mission to bring this message out into the world.
The more I get to know about the theology of the apostolic fathers, the more in love I am with their words. I hope you too, my dear reader, fall in love with real Christianity. At the very least, you will be surprised many times as you uncover the truth about Christianity.
Holy New Age Fathers
This book is about messages of early Christianity from apostolic and church fathers, who left a huge impact on Christianity. Not the one that was spread to the world.
This book is for those who want to know what true Christianity was built for. They knew the truth in their hearts, and they knew that man-made dogma is not the same as heavenly truth.
Holy New Age Fathers
"The world to come is a realm of beauty. When the soul is purified, a person can look at the glory of God. It is possible if the innermost wants it."
Basileios the Great (known as Basil, 330–279) was the Bishop of Caesaerea in Cappadocia. He is one of the biggest names in Christian history and one of the Cappadocian fathers.
The New Age and the Age of Aquarius were not made up by hippies. In addition to astrology, this knowledge stems from ancient holy wisdom and can be found in sacred scripts written by the apostolic fathers. Their teachings are at the base of Christianity; however, these writings were not spread to the world. Today, we can rediscover them, as they have been kept alive in the Orthodox tradition. Through these ancient texts, one can also begin to sense the rising of a new consciousness, as it is described deep in Biblical sources. One of the teachings describes how inner beautification towards God is the ultimate goal. This became an Orthodox hesychasm and also what we sense beginning to emerge, as we prepare for the New Jerusalem, paradise, Aquarian age, the 5th dimension, or whatever one prefers to call it.
The meaning of the end of the world is actually renewal. This idea is reinforced by the fact that there is no temporal end in the Bible, although many have tried to look for it. In the Christian paradigm, the concept of spiritual evolution of mankind has manifested as the cleansing of femininity. One should see this for what it is, another distortion of the true message of Christianity.
When in the 60’s, the texts of Early Christianity became popular, book stores did not know which category they fell under, so the term “new age” was created. Long forgotten texts re-emerged, including the Gospel of Thomas and the texts of Jesus’ lesser known disciples. For centuries, these texts were forbidden, with mere possession of them being severely punished. Their message was seen as dangerous by the Roman Catholic church, which actively prevented their spread in the world.
In my first book Christianity and Spiritual Path, I posited that the spiritual path and the teachings of real Christianity are actually the same and cannot be separated. Apostolic fathers understood this in their heart: that God is in us. With a vast and beautiful inner knowledge in their teachings, it would be impossible to fit them all into one book.
The book Holy New Age Fathers explores the true Christianity that is re-emerging from early Christian texts long forgotten.
The material for the book is ready.
And I ate that Apple
This book is about Creation. It was an evolutionary and symbolic process, which really happened. This book reveals how it affects a person and in different soul groups even now. This is the part you won't find in the Bible.
This book is for those who want to know how creation actually happened, how the human was made, and what a snake and apple were. This truth never made it into the official canon of Christianity
This book is about creation and how it appears in us and in the world, very topically, still at this very moment. It is a stunning story, even more so for those who are aware of it. In this book, many stories and things fall into their place.
Creation is a broad topic and hushed up in official Christianity. It never accepted the scripts like Pistis Sofia into the official canon. In the official narrative it was easier to keep things simple. But people never stopped wondering because the world and its events have not been that simple. How could there always have been such extreme evil that is now finally revealing and unleashing? Already from Atlantis and beyond, since creation.
There are different souls and soul families and different origins of soul formation. Not every story in the scriptures is about you and me. Not all of us lived in paradise either; only one root race lived. No one who ultimately does not feel the narrative of creation in her or himself needs to think the whole story is even true. But when you get to know the real story, you will understand.
What was a snake? What was an apple? What is the story of fallen angels? What was Adam, the original human being? The story begins in Lemuria, an experiment of paradise.
God planted virtue in the human race; it cannot be otherwise, because we are an imitation and copy of heavenly goodness. The entire material cosmos was created according to an immaterial model. And the breath of life is separate from it and separate from an official narrative. The breath of life in us helps to recover from the state of soul death. It is also written into the book of Genesis. First the divine world was created, then the angelic world, and then the human. The biological and heavenly stories are one. There is no mythical past; it happened.
There are theologians and apostolic fathers who knew what really happened; some were silent, and some who told their truth were declared heretics, like Origenes. (Origen of Alexandria, the theologian and church father) 184-253/254) His impact on Christianity is actually very significant.
Basileios the Great (known as Saint Basil the Great, bishop and archbishop of Caesarea, known as one of the Cappadocian fathers, 330–378) emphasized that the purpose of the creation narrative is not making us cling to secondaries but to guide our souls forward. He was married, and he had ten children.
Iohannes Chrysostom (John Chrysostom, Church Father, Archbishop of Constantinople 347–407.) said that the Bible could have started by talking about angels.
This is a revealing book from the original Lemurian soul. The journey back to paradise is very long. The Bible is the beginning, not the ending. It is the story of the Tree of Life.
Coming out around 2030.
And from the earth it raises
This book is about how Mother Earth affects people and their ascension process. The Earth and the people are constantly interacting with each other. When the earth is purified, we can be purified and uplifted. Without one there is no other. The energy lines of the earth, ley lined, correspond to our blood vessels.
This book is for those who are consciously on the spiritual path. For them it is crucial and important to understand that soil plays a very important role in this process. We are not just passive recipients. This is the first book that focuses on this topic.
The topic of this book is inspired by Diana Cooper's book Transition to the Golden Age 2032, where she disclosed channeled information about the ascension process in different countries. Finland is the only country that will completely rise to the fifth dimension. This is also ancient esoteric and theosophical knowledge. There is a lot of misinformation around it. And the soil is crucially important everywhere in the resurrection of mankind.
And from the earth it rises
The earth is waiting for us to merge with it.
Also, everything within us happens in parallel with the earth.
That is biology, physiology and spiritual truth.
The soil is like our muscles, our bones are stones, rocks and mountains.
The nail grows at the same rate as the continental plate moves.
The human body contains the same elements as the earth’s crust.
The frequency of our heartbeat is the same as the pulse of Mother Earth. These are measured facts. When we mourn, mother Earth also mourns.You can read about many more of these stunning examples in this book. No one has written about this yet. Our consciousness rises from the earth.
We live by God`s inhalation until 2032. The inhalation is feminine, as is the earth. We are connecting to the earth now. Everything is brought to the surface, individual and collective. The soil has an important role in the ascension process. The land of earth must be cleansed. For millennia, suffering, anxiety, and wars were absorbed into the earth. But only when the earth is clean, can our consciousness rise. We have an effect on the earth and the earth has an effect on us. Energy lines or, ley lines of the earth, correspond to naad channels in humans.
As above, so below. Our forgotten talents, our personal Eden, are located in our earth chakras. These talents rise along with our kundalini energy, the energy of consciousness. It is this way for our planet also, the kundalini energy of the entire planet is hidden within it.
Only when the Earth Star is activated, can our star gate be opened.
This principle is the basis for our personal ascension and that of the entire planet’s.
This means that our hidden powers will not be released until the earth is cleansed. As above, so below.
We can rise to glory only through earth connection. Currently, our low energies block the earth. The book has many practical examples of what you can do to help the process. Without forgetting the energy lines of earth and crystals, the computers of Mother Earth.
The material for the book is ready.